Author: John Carter

A Parallel Recovery: Families Healing From Addiction

family support in addiction recovery

Robert’s goal is to help our students develop skills through meditation and prayer to cope with where their lives are, find moments of grace in their lives now and to change their perception of the future where hope abounds. He strives to show them that spirituality can elevate the joy of living. Benny entered the field of addiction in 2009 as a Residential Aid at Straight and Narrow in Paterson NJ. In 2011 he accepted a position as Residential Aid at Endeavor House North in Kearney NJ, where he was promoted to Senior RA Supervisor. In 2020 he became a Clinical Manager with Brookdale Recovery Center and in 2022 accepted his current position as Primary Counselor at Alina Lodge.

family support in addiction recovery

Skilled at developing and executing sales and marketing strategies as well as recruiting, training and motivating high performing sales teams. His role at High Watch is to ensure that we have the financial capacity to deliver the care and services our guests need day in and day out. His work and the work of his team is critical to our mission of seeing the disease of addiction go into remission for each individual who passes through our door. Rachel brings extensive experience in customer care and service to the team at Alina Lodge. As a continuing care coordinator, she helps our guests develop and implement aftercare plans that are tailored to their needs. Rachel has a passion for assisting and advocating for people on their recovery journey in sobriety.

Should I Let My Family Member Leave Rehab Early?

There’s no judgment or blame here — a private therapy session is a safe place for stressed family members to talk openly and work through issues. That’s the sort of knowledge that can help boost a family’s sense of hope. With each advancement, you can feel more confident that the addiction can be treated and conquered. On a daily basis, Jennifer covers many roles within the nursing department, none more important to her than the health and well-being of each and every student.

This may include financial or legal assistance, a place for them to reside, or other means of support. Giving up a mind-altering substance is incredibly difficult for many people, especially when withdrawal is painful and when they are no longer able to suppress negative emotions with the substance. Private sessions typically follow a skills-based format, in which caregivers learn more about how to deal with destructive thoughts and habits developed during years of addictive behavior. They might learn to meditate to handle stress, or they might work on assertiveness skills.

The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. At our Orange County drug detox facility, we want you to be a part of your loved one’s recovery process. We invite you to visit your family member during treatment and will work with you to schedule a convenient time. The role of family in addiction recovery is multifaceted and indispensable.

  1. The Savior or Hero is the shining star of the addicted family system.
  2. When a family member takes the time to understand addiction and what drives the addictive behavior, they can then help support their loved one better.
  3. Most bookstores also offer a wide selection of books about the chemistry of addiction and the science behind addiction treatment.
  4. In response, primary guardian and parental figures demonstrate a wide variety of behaviors and attitudes.
  5. Family therapy programs are designed to break down distrust and guilt by giving everyone a chance to feel heard.

Lloyd Sederer, M.D., is a psychiatrist, public health doctor, and medical journalist. He is Adjunct Professor at the Columbia/Mailman School of Public Health. Spending time making the meal together or cleaning up afterward can increase the benefits. In today’s modern, chaotic world, it’s all too easy to eat separately. One partner grabs a burger on the way home, the other snacks on a salad at work and the kids heat up ready-made foods they can find in the freezer. These silences and blame games can hold a family back from getting help.

Addiction Impacts the Whole Family

A hobby such as knitting can serve as an effective form of stress relief for those coping with a loved one’s addiction. Family therapy programs are designed to break down distrust and guilt by giving everyone a chance to feel heard. These programs can help family members understand themselves and each other, and work through conflict in a healthy way. Families once defined by anger and addiction can grow into tight-knit units that are able to support one another through honest communication and healthy boundaries. Rather than believing that the person’s addiction stems from weakness, willfulness or stubbornness, it might be helpful to understand how it actually stems from changes within the brain.

family support in addiction recovery

Understanding that addiction is not a choice might help you let go of anger and resentment you may be feeling about your loved one’s addiction. Michelle came to us in February of 2022 after she relocated her residence from Bergen County. She has been working and serving in the addiction field for over 12 years. Michelle earned her CADC Credentials at Bergen County Community College.

The overall results of addiction rehabilitation can be significantly improved by involving families in the treatment process. This interaction results in numerous advantages that make the recovery process more successful. First, it gives family members a greater understanding of addiction, its effects, and supportive strategies.

Through treatment, workshops, and community resources for both client and family, we increase positive treatment outcomes and greater lasting change. Building a more robust parallel process of recovery for the individual client struggling with SUD and for their support network should be the standard for treatment agencies moving into the future. Research has found that 14 percent of children by age 17 have experience with household members who struggle with substance problems, and it is the second most commonly reported adverse childhood experience. Children living in a home with those with substance abuse disorders manifest a range of negative mental and physical side effects. Both substance use disorder and alcohol use disorder are diagnosable mental health conditions listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5). This sense of loyalty and dedication in the family unit can be an integral part of the recovery process for alcohol use disorder.

Alina Lodge sent her to Eating Disorder Conferences at Renfrew ED Treatment Center. She was also given the opportunity to become a Certified Trauma Therapist through the Spirit to Spirit program with Judy Crane at The Refuge in Ocala, Florida. She worked as a Primary Counselor at Alina Lodge until 2021 when she decided to retire. Recognizing that she would not be happy being home all the time and not seeing her colleagues, she has been working part-time as a trauma and eating disorder counselor for both the Men and Women’s communities. Donna’s love of working with animals extends back many years to when she grew up training and showing horses in her local 4H Chapter and nationally.

Learning Center

Babette received her Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Saint Elizabeth. In addition to seeing students individually she provides monthly nutrition lectures and shares up to date nutrition information to enhance the quality of life of our students. Healthcare providers should use clinical interventions and modalities to heal symptoms of mood disorders and trauma through individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and medication management. By educating families on substance use disorders, they can be more empathetic and understanding of each family member’s experience including their own. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals.

In 2010, Aaron transitioned into behavioral health with Caron Treatment Centers. At Caron, Aaron was the Corporate Business Development Director responsible for creating national visibility substantiable revenue growth and training of the business development team. Aaron was also a member of the Senior Leadership Team at Caron Treatment Centers.Aaron joined Alina Lodge as the Director of Marketing and Business Development in August of 2020.

They may cover for the individual with an SUD, attempting to make the individual look pleasing to everyone. They may be in denial, overlooking major problems that require professional intervention. They are also compensating for feeling empty and helpless themselves due to the dysfunctional family dynamic.

Need addiction treatment for a loved one?

This final stage is considered relatively stable in comparison to the earlier three stages. This is because recovery is now solid, and attention can be turned back to the person with alcohol use disorder and the family. Attempts may be made to help the person gain insight into why life has become unstable for so many in the family unit. However, in the final analysis, it may be up to them to begin the process of recovery. Marital stress, employment strain, and children acting out are just a few examples that Brown gives of how sobriety-related stress can emerge within a family unit. You might be the one living with alcohol use disorder, but your behaviors and lifestyle may have shaped, and continue to shape, the lives of those closest to you.