Alcohol Abuse

April 10, 2024

John Carter

How Does Alcohol Affect Vision and Eyesight?

Alcohol tends to affect the speed at which your iris constricts and dilates. A driver that has been drinking alcohol cannot adapt as quickly to oncoming headlights. A large longitudinal study published in 2021 similarly showed a link between low to moderate wine drinking and a lower risk of developing cataracts that required surgery. Chronic […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 10, 2024

John Carter

How does alcohol affect sleep?

If you’re experiencing sleeping issues, whether related to alcohol consumption or not, consider talking to your health care provider or a sleep specialist. It’s not because I don’t appreciate a glass of wine with a great meal, or a few beers on a hot summer evening. It’s because I know what alcohol can do to […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 10, 2024

John Carter

How does alcohol affect blood pressure?

Individuals who drink alcohol in excess can help improve their overall health by stopping drinking. One recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that in 17,059 participants, those who drank moderately and those who drank heavily were both at significantly higher risk of high blood pressure than those who never […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 09, 2024

John Carter

How Alcohol Affects Lung Cancer Risk and Outcomes

Animal studies have shown that chronic alcohol exposure causes significant alveolar macrophage dysfunction, leaving these normally active immune cells poorly equipped to phagocytose or kill invading organisms (Brown et al. 2009; Joshi et al. 2009). Alveolar macrophages in alcohol-exposed animals also exhibit decreased production of important chemokines and mediators, which impairs their ability to recruit […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 09, 2024

John Carter

Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD Symptoms and causes

The summary odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated by random effects model to assess the association. Subgroup analysis, publication bias and sensitivity analysis were also conducted. Researchers noted that alcohol may damage the cells in the esophageal and gastric (stomach) linings. They also found that alcohol not only affects the function […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 09, 2024

John Carter

Gallbladder and Alcohol Consumption: What to Know

Research found that women who exercised the most lowered their odds of having gallbladder disease by 25% compared to their couch potato peers. Talk with your doctor about starting with 5-10 minutes at a time. Your friend dropped 10 pounds in a week on super low-calorie plan. Sounds tempting, but crash diets can harm your […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 08, 2024

John Carter

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder Wikipedia

This can lead to deficits after birth and beyond.2,3 Alcohol can disrupt development at any stage, even before a woman knows that she is pregnant. At the same time as you ask the doctor for a referral to a specialist, call your state or territory’s early intervention program to request a free evaluation to find out […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 08, 2024

John Carter

Famous People Who Died of Alcoholism List of Celebrity Alcoholism Deaths

This would leave him injured, affecting his singing, causing the band members to act. It would result in him losing his standing in the band, being relegated and excluded from decision making. He would handle this by drinking further which would only see things worsen. O’Riordan was said to have accidentally drowned in her hotel […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 08, 2024

John Carter

Eye Color Linked to Alcoholism Risk

Notable among these are CHRNA5, GABRG1, GABRA2, and OPRM1, which are involved in neurotransmission and can affect an individual’s susceptibility to addiction. Ultimately, prevention strategies that integrate genetic insights must also consider environmental factors and personal experiences to be truly effective. Multifaceted approaches that combine genetic screening with education, early intervention, and support systems are […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 05, 2024

John Carter

Excessive Alcohol Use: A Drain on the American Economy Infographics Online Media Alcohol

Achieving a reduction in the harmful use of alcohol in line with the targets included in the SDG 2030 agenda and the WHO Global Monitoring Framework for Noncommunicable Diseases requires concerted action by countries, effective global governance and appropriate engagement of all relevant stakeholders. By working together effectively, the negative health and social consequences of […]

Alcohol Abuse