Author: John Carter


John Carter, an experienced social worker with ten years of experience, earned his psychology degree from Boston University. Right after completing his studies, John dedicated himself to assisting people struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. At present, he writes enlightening articles focused on fighting substance abuse, using his knowledge to provide advice and support via this blog.

March 27, 2024

John Carter

How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Your System: Urine, Blood, Sweat & Saliva

Crack cocaine stays in someone’s system longer than they feel the drug’s effect. Drug tests can detect evidence of the drug for several hours, months, or even years after use. Cocaine is a powerful and addictive drug that can damage a person’s health and well-being. Its short half-life also means that a person who quits […]

Drug Addiction

March 26, 2024

John Carter

Combining Antibiotics and Alcohol: Is It Safe?

Symptoms include headache, palpitations, sweating, flushing, and hypotension (109, 110). It has also been postulated that such a reaction may be due to isoniazid’s inhibition of monoamine oxidase, as symptoms have been reported after consumption of wine (109). Isoniazid was found to alter central monoaminergic neurotransmission (111). Although aldehyde dehydrogenase was inhibited with coadministration, blood […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 26, 2024

John Carter

How long does acid stay in your system? Urine, blood, hair, and more

In the 1950s, doctors used it in psychotherapy and to enhance the effects of antipsychotics. In the late 1960s, people started to use LSD as a recreational drug. Researchers need further evidence to support these findings. Complications of other types of acidosis also include osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can develop because if the kidneys and lungs are […]

Drug Addiction

March 26, 2024

John Carter

Drug Abuse Recovery: Maintaining Hope and Health

Taking stock of the impediments enables people to learn as they go, staying more vigilant and discovering the nature of the terrain, diminishing the likelihood of making the same mistake going forward. Withdrawal from different categories of drugs — such as depressants, stimulants or opioids — produces different side effects and requires different approaches. Detox […]


March 26, 2024

John Carter

How Long Does A Heroin High Last? Effects & Comedown

The length of time this stage lasts depends on various different factors, but usually ranges between 2-5 hours. When heroin is snorted, the effects usually kick in around 10 minutes later. These effects can include a warm and euphoric sensation, decreased pain perception, a sense of relaxation, and slowed breathing and heart rate. They typically […]

Drug Addiction

March 26, 2024

John Carter

Cocaethylene: When Cocaine and Alcohol Are Taken Together PMC

When cocaine and ethanol are used together, a psychoactive metabolite is produced with similar pharmacological and psychoactive properties as cocaine [2]. This metabolite, cocaethylene, is considered more toxic to the cardiovascular and hepatic systems than cocaine, the parent drug, and it has a longer plasma elimination half-life (about 2 hours) than cocaine (about 1 hour) […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 26, 2024

John Carter

Does Clonidine Help with Alcohol Withdrawal?

Valproic acid (400–500 mg tid) is able to produce a dose-dependent improvement of AWS symptoms [6, 81], with a reduced incidence of seizures and a protection toward the worsening of AWS severity (anti-kindling effect). These characteristics make valproic acid an interesting and promising drug in the outpatient management of mild-to-moderate forms of AWS [82]. The […]


March 26, 2024

John Carter

Celebrities That Drink Alcohol Every Day A Celebrity Lifestyle

After the marathon drinking binge, Andre passed out in a hotel lobby and couldn’t be moved or roused. His buddies had to resort to covering him in a piano cover and allowing him to sleep through the night. André René Roussimoff (May 19, 1946 – January 27, 1993), popularly known as Andre the Giant, consumed […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 26, 2024

John Carter

How Long Do Shrooms Last and Stay In Your System?

If you’ve ever asked an experienced magic mushroom tripper, “How long do shrooms last? This isn’t some twisted game played on newbies; the answer is it depends. The problem then is that they may not be able to communicate all the factors that affect the length of your trip, or they simply don’t know. Some […]

Drug Addiction

March 25, 2024

John Carter

Detoxing from Prescription Drugs

Inpatient detox facilities have licensed and qualified medical staff that can provide around-the-clock monitoring and care. Prescription drugs—especially opioids such as Oxycontin—can have withdrawal symptoms that can be excruciating and painful. You can develop withdrawal symptoms, including insomnia, nausea, and a lack of appetite. Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, […]
