Author: John Carter

Christian Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center

faith based recovery programs

The purpose of Christian drug treatment programs is to help patients fight addiction, reduce the high addiction statistics in the country, and achieve sobriety with the help of Christian-based philosophies. There’s a growing body of evidence demonstrating the power of a faith-based approach for preventing and treating substance abuse. When substance abuse wreaks havoc on someone’s life, they often look to a higher power to grant them the strength to recover. A faith-inclined treatment process helps thousands of people each year find the inspiration they need to seek out recovery and follow through with aftercare treatment programs. Addiction Resource is an educational platform for sharing and disseminating information about addiction and substance abuse recovery centers. Addiction Resource is not a healthcare provider, nor does it claim to offer sound medical advice to anyone.

First, the patient should be comfortable with the facility, treatment plan, staff, program, and peers. A religious person will feel more comfortable going through rehab in a facility where their spiritual focus is supported and emphasized, making them feel secure and confident in their ability to move past the addiction. One of the consequences of addiction is the individual’s need to separate from family, friends, loved ones, and God. Any Christian-based rehab aims to help the individual develop or strengthen their relationship with God in their path towards recovery.

Addiction is a disease, we have addiction medicine that saves lives.

In the beginning, the center offered a 3-day program for men dealing with alcohol addiction, based on Biblical training. There are also addiction treatment facilities that offer spiritual services despite not placing a faith-based approach to their core programming. These facilities typically give individuals a range of options to choose from so individuals can pick which route best fits their needs. Christian drug rehab is an addiction treatment that puts faith and Christ at the base of healing and recovery.

We believe everyone has the power to choose their own path forward on the journey to recovery, and that’s why we offer individualized care options. Although faith, spirituality and religion can help sustain long-term recovery, it’s up to you to decide how you will embrace your journey forward. According to a new study conducted by Dr. Brian Grim of Baylor University, 84 percent of surveys show that faith decreases the risk of substance use disorders in the U.S. Faith-based organizations across the United States carry out additional treatments for citizens at national, state and local levels. Examples of faith-based programs include Alcoholics Anonymous, Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation, Catholic Charities and The Adult and Teen Challenge centers.

  1. The facility offers a holistic approach to addiction treatment in a safe and intimate environment.
  2. Women benefit from comprehensive treatment, including outdoor activities, personalized diet plans, Bible study, and prayer in a relaxed ambiance.
  3. Religion and spirituality represent the backbone of many people’s lives, and can be a powerful catalyst for change, especially for those battling alcohol and drug addiction.
  4. The individual focuses on prayer and meditation, which help them reconnect with themselves.

Christian rehab facilities focus not only on the spirit but also on the physical addiction issues, offering medical help for detoxing and withdrawal symptoms. Patients are also engaged in healthy activities such as art therapy or yoga to relieve stress. There is a strong focus on letting go of blame, both self-blame and that directed towards others. The program centers on small groups to help foster fellowship within the faith-based rehab community. The New Creation Christian rehab promotes addiction recovery through faith, detox, withdrawal management, and Christian recovery services for substance addiction such as heroin, alcohol, meth, MDMA, cocaine, and others.

The 12 steps of a drug and alcohol abuse recovery program began as a component of Alcoholics Anonymous. At Gateway, we utilize a 12-step addiction treatment program as a component of your treatment. He has a particular interest in psychopharmacology, nutritional psychiatry, and alternative treatment options involving particular vitamins, dietary supplements, and administering auricular acupuncture. Whether it’s a Christian alcohol rehab or free faith-based rehabs, getting the right help and resources for your loved one is now one phone call away. Being grounded in faith through the help of Christian alcohol rehab is extremely helpful due to the long-term advantages.

What To Expect In The Christian Rehabs?

If you are suffering from substance abuse and you feel like there is nowhere to turn, we can help you begin your spiritual journey because it is possible to take control of your addiction. Addiction can be a dark and lonely place, but it’s never too late to strengthen your relationship with God while getting the treatment you need. Faith in Recovery is a Non-denominational Christ-centered faith-based program for those who are suffering from drug and alcohol addiction or mental health disorders. This addiction recovery program is designed to allow patients to establish or restore their faith and relationship with God while also addressing their addiction. The program integrates clinical therapies and faith-based ideas into a personalized Christian program. Similar types of programs consist only of a Bible study and a weekly off-site church service.

The same could happen to patients whose parents or friends demanded Christian ideals, but they acted in an un-Christian manner themselves. As a result, the patient will have difficulty in trusting the staff and might consider them hypocrites.

faith based recovery programs

Addiction Resource does not favor or support any specific recovery center, nor do we claim to ensure the quality, validity, or effectiveness of any particular treatment center. No one should assume the information provided on Addiction Resource as authoritative and should always defer to the advice and care provided by a medical doctor. In an inpatient facility, the patient will have to attend Church and faith-based groups and services regularly and will be encouraged to join a Christian 12-step group. Some centers offer unique services such as family programs and recreational outings once the drug rehab is completed.

This is because the newfound faith and self-confidence create discipline against substance abuse, leading to improved health and long-term sobriety. In addition, each facility provides the needed privacy, and all kinds of insurance are accepted. Christian-based drug rehabilitation is an excellent choice for religious people or those who believe that spirituality is part of the treatment process.

What is A Faith-Based Rehab?

Our writers and reviewers are experienced professionals in medicine, addiction treatment, and healthcare. AddictionResource fact-checks all the information before publishing and uses only credible and trusted sources when citing any medical data. It is a year-long program that requires a full-time commitment from the patients. Faith-based rehab will be the start of a lifetime of recovery, but you don’t have to suffer any longer. Whether you are battling addiction or watching someone you love struggle, help is available – and you can find it at a treatment center that incorporates your faith. Addiction Resource team has compiled an extensive list of the top drug rehabilitation facilities around the country.

If you are seeking that spiritual connection during treatment, then Faith in Recovery is the right treatment approach for you. We stand by the guidelines that all are welcome, no matter your religious affiliation or background. Our faith-based addiction recovery program believes in utilizing individualized treatment methods for each of our patients, and we properly assess them before treatment begins. StoneGate is a fully licensed Christian rehab facility with experts in the field of addiction and substance use disorders.

Contact us today to learn more about the role of faith in recovery and how we can help you. The most important aspect is to find out what religious or spiritual beliefs the facility adheres to as well as what practices the program offers. You may want a facility with firm religious practices, or you may prefer a broader view of faith. Either way, you won’t feel comfortable in treatment if you disagree with the rehab’s spiritual foundations. One of the possible downsides of Christian-based drug rehab centers is that if the patient is not religious, they will struggle and fight the treatment program. The facility offers a holistic approach to addiction treatment in a safe and intimate environment.

These services, provided through the patient’s involvement in the Church or the Christian rehab’s referral, are highly recommended to surround the patient with supportive and healthy groups. Honey Lake Christian recovery center is designed to treat individuals struggling with substance addiction, psychological distress, and mental disorders such as anxiety, trauma, and the likes. They also provide Christian addiction counseling with a combination of intensive programs and integration of faith-based principles. The emphasis is typically on holistic healing, improving decision-making skills, and total rejuvenating the spirit, body, and mind.