Author: John Carter

Chronic Relapsing Disease: Finding Treatment For Chronic Relapse

chronic relapse treatment centers

Although most teens will grow out of this experimentation period, others who are genetically prone to addiction can fall into the deadly cycle and develop a substance use disorder. To better understand chronic relapsing disease, family members of people that suffer from the disorder should attend family therapy. Thus, the best way to manage chronic relapsing disease as a chronic relapser is to be proactive about your recovery at all times. The longer an addiction treatment program, the more likely that it will lead to success and you will not relapse after attending it. Medical professionals say that it takes several months of consistently doing something to change or create the smallest new habit. What makes you think that you can overcome a disease that literally causes changes to your brain’s chemistry like addiction does in only 30 to 90 days?

chronic relapse treatment centers

You should also utilize aftercare services after you leave addiction treatment so that you can transition smoothly into the real-world after treatment. To receive the best chronic relapsing disease treatment, one of the many chronic relapsing treatment centers. To treat chronic relapsing disease, you should receive professional detox, long-term addiction treatment that lasts longer than 90 days, and behavioral therapy.

Oftentimes family members can’t understand why their loved ones that suffer from addiction can’t just get it together and stop relapsing. It also doesn’t help that many family members of people that suffer from addiction are frustrated with being taken advantage of and lied to by their addicted loved ones. People have a tendency to relapse from addiction to certain substances more than others.

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Relapse

We also understand what people in recovery need to do to prevent chronic relapsing disease. That’s why we make sure that each of our patients attends detox and specialized addiction treatment. During mental relapse, people in recovery start to want to use substances. Although people in mental relapse start to actively think and desire the use of drugs again, there is still a part of them that is resisting.

chronic relapse treatment centers

We even make sure to offer our patients medication-assisted treatment, treatment for co-occurring disorders, and various forms of behavioral and family therapy. That way, all withdrawal symptoms, mental illness, family issues, or toxic behaviors get taken care of immediately. Chronic relapsing disease is a disorder that occurs when a person that suffers from drug or alcohol addiction continuously falls back into addiction after attending treatment. Chronic relapsing disease usually occurs after a day stint in addiction treatment. This is because addiction is a lifelong disease and thus requires more time than just a couple of months to get under control. At Sana Lake Recovery, we understand the measures that a person needs to take to treat chronic relapsing disease.

Simply put, teenage boys are at higher risk of chronic relapse because they’re more impressionable. This means that during middle school and high school, peer acceptance and fitting in takes precedence over anything else in their lives. Although it may sound minor to you, put yourself in their shoes and try to remember the things you did to fit in during your adolescence. It explains why the stories and experiences of others will result in a pattern of substance abuse, even when the teen has received treatment. Chronic relapse is a repeating cycle in which a person wants to become sober, does in fact stop using or drinking, but then once again picks up and restarts active addiction.

Understanding Chronic Relapse & How to Treat It

It has to be recognized that the person is resistant to treatment and options that challenge that resistance must be employed. Often, a long-term residential treatment program that is specifically designed for the treatment resistant addict is critical to breaking the cycle of chronic relapse. Exaggerated personality traits  It’s often found that chronic relapsers have varied, but exaggerated, personality traits like charm, manipulation, deceit, intelligence, or passion. Some suffer from borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, or narcissistic personality disorder. There are specific risk factors that place teens at risk of chronic relapse. Those in this particular demographic are vulnerable, and even after successful treatment, these influences will increase an adolescent boy’s chances of using drugs or drinking again.

  1. Instead of assuming that everyone will remain abstinent, this point of view understands that it can be difficult to maintain recovery once treatment has ended.
  2. About 40 to 60 percent of those in recovery from addiction relapse at some point.
  3. Exaggerated personality traits  It’s often found that chronic relapsers have varied, but exaggerated, personality traits like charm, manipulation, deceit, intelligence, or passion.
  4. This is not bribing someone to stay sober, it is simply not enabling an addict’s addiction.

The deeper a person goes into mental relapse, the more that person wants to use substances. During a physical relapse, people in recovery start to use substances again. Most physical relapses occur during a time when those in recovery get an opportunity and don’t think that they will get caught. There are other behavioral characteristics and personality traits that can also lead to chronic teen relapse, including learning disabilities, a lack of impulse control, and co-occurring mental illness. For some teens, feeling depressed may be attributed to their age, but it could be a major depressive disorder or other condition contributing to their drug use. When you feel bad, obviously, you want to feel better, and self-medicating to numb how they feel is common.

How Families Can Assist in the Prevention of Chronic Relapsing Disease

This can prevent relapses in the future and allow for treatment adjustments that sustain recovery. Finally, the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine mentions that people must change their lives if they want to fully leave drugs and alcohol behind. Many people want to return to their old lives but just exclude substances. CBS News provided one tip that chronic relapses must recognize that they cannot use willpower alone to combat their addiction. Just as 12-step programs say, the report mentions that surrendering can be much more helpful than the stress of trying to stop your cravings on your own.

Remove distractions  It’s crucial that chronic relapsers remove anything that distracts them from seeing the truth about themselves, that they are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Sana Lake Recovery Center is a Joint Commission Accredited addiction treatment program. We offer a safe and trustworthy facility for people struggling with substance abuse. This seal indicates our commitment to continually elevating our standards and providing a superior treatment for substance abuse.

Physical relapse

Numerous things can contribute to a person developing chronic relapsing disease. Abusing a large number of substances for a long period of time prior to attending treatment can be one reason why a person struggles with chronic relapsing. After a person attends long-term addiction treatment, the best way to sustain sobriety is to utilize aftercare treatment services that will help that person better transition into society.

A person battles with their desire to use and abstain from a given substance.

Chronic relapsers are different, in that they have tried over and over to stop using. If you or your loved one is a chronic relapser, seek help sooner rather than later. At Serenity at Summit, we have experience in dealing with individuals who have been unsuccessful at remaining sober in the past.

How to Recognize Chronic Relapse

While attending life-long treatment and using aftercare services will minimize the chances of you relapsing, there is no guarantee. Thus, people that suffer from addiction must be proactive about their recovery every day for the rest of their lives to avoid relapsing. For some people that suffer from addiction, avoiding relapsing is particularly difficult, especially over a long period of time. While the statistics for chronic relapsers is not favorable, there is hope for sustained recovery.