Author: John Carter

Goodbye Alcohol: A Breakup Letter Alcohol and You

goodbye letter to alcohol

A goodbye letter to addiction is similar to journaling because you are still writing down your emotions, and you will likely feel some of the same effects. It serves as a personal outlet for any feelings you may be struggling to come to terms with. A goodbye letter to alcohol or drugs can also help you in the future as a physical symbol of your commitment to changing for the better. Writing a personal goodbye letter helped me and it may well help you. You might not see yourself as much of a writer, but give it a try!

It will give you the closure you want and help you create a better version of your future self. A goodbye letter to alcohol in it’s basic form is simply another tool that you can utilise on your path to sobriety. It gives you the opportunity to be very honest with yourself and your relationship with alcohol. To get away from alcohol addiction, visit an addiction recovery center. has the facilities and the right community to help you get away from addiction. It is a community where people get help and help others.

Our relationship took away my pains and worries — at least I was drunk enough to think you did. You were the one I always run to every night when I’m down, and I became obsessed with you. I could hardly go a few hours without taking you down my throat. I was so caught up in the constant drinking. I couldn’t see the addiction you had brought upon my life.

Goodbye Alcohol: A Breakup Letter Alcohol and You

I had you on my lips the first time, and right there, I had the whole cup. Of course, I had you from time to time, and you always made me feel brave and agile. Did you notice towards the end, how much we cried together. All those sad midnights looking in the mirror. We had become such closet companions towards the end.

You are filled with empty promises that you’ll play nice and only come to visit once in a while. Instead, you camped out in my home, my car, my office and even went so far as to hide in my suitcase on our family trip to Disneyland. You know they don’t serve alcohol in the park. Worst of all, you have a serious jealousy streak in you, bordering on psychotic.

goodbye letter to alcohol

This will be the last time that I am in contact with you, I know you will crop up in my life and in lives of people that I care about. With all the will I have, you will not be permitted in my life again. When I read this letter, I do feel that I am putting a lot of blame on you..and to an extend this is true. But, I take responsibility for choosing to hang around with you. I was foolish to think that our relationship would continue and continue well. I came to find you and you were there, taking away all of my worries and concerns.

You broke me down throughout my adult life, leaving me physically and emotionally corrupted. My body had been poisoned, and my mind had become shrouded in darkness. This is (sadly) the nature of addiction. Since this letter is not addressed to an actual person, it can be written as a journal entry, traditional letter, or whatever format that best fits you. Your goal is to tell alcohol that it will no longer be part of your life by using a long or short Goodbye Letter to Alcohol to express your feelings. If you choose, you can save the letter, send it off in the mail, or share it with your counselor.

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I feel infinitely better from the inside to the outside. My skin looks better to the point that people think I’m 10 years younger than I actually am. My bank account has never looked as good as it does. I get to enjoy my life without the desire to be inebriated, checked out or escaping with you. You once had me trapped in a mindset of worry and struggle, which introduced me to your close friends – anxiety, shame, and guilt.

  1. Together, you and I have had a long lost journey these past few years.
  2. Even in my personal life, you tricked me into thinking you were the only person who cared about me.
  3. I’m not gonna say good-bye without a thank you.
  4. This will be the last time that I am in contact with you, I know you will crop up in my life and in lives of people that I care about.
  5. Over 200 miles of you and me on the road together.

For me, it was such a love-hate bond we had under the false pretense that I “needed” you to have fun, be social or to handle my emotions and stress. You had a way about you that made drinking seem like some kind of luxurious necessity. You preyed on my curiosity and then you sunk your teeth in with the hook that “all the cool kids” hang out with you so maybe I should too. You know the line, it’s not you, it’s me? But I’ve come to realize that I can’t have you in my life anymore. I seriously don’t know if it is you or me.

Do we actually put pen to paper, or physically write a letter?

I’m gonna really miss our steak dinners together. I’ll never forget our days on the lake…at the reservoir. I’m gonna really miss you when I fire up the grill. I mean let’s be serious, water on the rocks ain’t the same. You may be talking to your future self with this letter, so providing words of encouragement can be helpful. Remind yourself that you can do this and that drugs and alcohol do not need to control your life.

You’ve had such a strong grip on me that I don’t even know who I am today. I’d happily drink the night away, and you’d leave me to rot. Another memory stolen, another promise broken. You lied once again, just like you did every single day. Until you left me a broken, suicidal mess.

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You can also write about the secondary problems that came about because of your substance abuse issues and why you want to change them. Writing a letter to your addiction may seem daunting at first. This helps to physically put things in perspective, especially being able to visualize the thoughts and behaviors that have been causing so much trouble.

Then you seduced me into spending the night with you, and in the morning, you’d laugh at me while my head and stomach ached from too much of you. When I was at my lowest point, I believed suicide was the answer to remove all the hurt I’ve been harbouring — a way to escape from this life we created. Back then, I thought that only my death would remove your power over me. I forgave and forgot, and I came crawling back. Every day was a fresh start, a new morning to restart our glorious relationship. As the years rolled on, you were there almost daily.

Dear Alcohol, This is Why I Said Goodbye To You

Everything felt so good until they were not! Though I quit you for a year and a half, you never stopped calling me back. I eventually fell for all your temptations, and there on, reincarnated our controversial relationship.