Author: John Carter

How to pronounce drug in English Definition and synonyms of drug in English

how to pronounce drugs

It is available PO, but is not very effective. A HMG CoA reductase inhibitor (“statin”). The most potent LDLc lowering drug of its class. It is metabolized mainly via the kidneys, but there is also some CYP 3A4 hepatic metabolism as well.

how to pronounce drugs

Unfortunately, the drug is also proarrythmic and increases the HR, both of which are undesirable effects. The class is contraindicated in decompensated HF, but prevents destructive remodeling if given in stable HF and is the drug of choice for HTN complicated by HF. Unlike Atenolol, Metoprolol is lipophilic.

It is indicated for hypertensive urgency but it must be used with a diuretic. If discontinued abruptly a “discontinuation syndrome” can develop due to sympathetic hyperactivity. Signs and symptoms include anxiety, tachycardia, H/A, tremor, muscle pain and N/V.

Indicated in supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and ventricular tachycardia (V-tach). It is pharmacokinetically dosed with a therapeutic range from 2-5mcg/ml. It is available in a sulfate salt (83% quinidine), gluconate salt (62% quinidine) and a polygalactate salt (60% quinidine). The most common side effect is diarrhea, but torsades is a real possibility due to the widening of QRS interval. Quinidine interacts with both digoxen and warfarin increasing their systemic concentrations. An HMG CoA reductase inhibitor (“statin”) of moderate potency, lowering LDLc by approximately 35%.

English pronunciation of drug

An Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I). Blocks ACE leading to decrease in angiotensin II, decrease in aldosterone, inhibition of bradykinin breakdown and increases in vasodilatory prostaglandins. Lisinopril is representative of its class and the most commonly prescribed ACE-I. It is one of the newer generation agents and does not require a test dose like Captopril. ACE-I are the agents of choice for patients with HTN and concomitant diabetes due to the positive effects of these drugs on the kidney. The primary side effect of concern is a dry cough.

Bidel has been shown to be a more effective initial therapy than ACE-I in African Americans to both lower BP and increase survival in HF patients. However, the combination can be dispensed separately for a more economical therapy if a patient is concerned over drug prices. Non dihydropyridine CCB (as well as class IV antiarrythmic).

how to pronounce drugs

However, it is unstable in both acidic and basic conditions, and thus did not find clinical application. An acid stable Penicillin, used in oral preparations. A Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, used as a diuretic, most frequently used in glaucoma. A second line therapy for acute symptomatic bradycardias if a patient fails atropine. It can also be used to rectify torsades. It is usually given as a “wide open” infusion in emergent bradycardic situations, and then once a response is seen, the dose will be tapered.

Definition of drug

A Vitamin K antagonist in the class of coumarins. Warfarin is the only anticoagulant available PO. It irreversibly inhibits vitamin K dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X), as well as protein C and S (the body’s endogenous vitamin K dependent anticoagulants).

  1. Most important side effect is rhabdomyolosis, which usually presents as chest/upper body muscle aches.
  2. Unlike Dobutamine, Milrinone provides non-receptor mediated ionotropy.
  3. However, once the dosages are maxed renal patients will usually require dialysis.
  4. Atorvastatin is the second most potent statin, lowering LDL by approximently 50%.
  5. It is indicated in infections caused by multiresistant bacteria.
  6. A major drug interaction can result when Gemfibrozil is used in combination with statins.

It had the added benefit of controlling atrial fibrillation, however it was very hypotensive and proarrythmic (hence its removal). Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blocker. The drug is representative of the entire DHP class.

Cholestyramine is available in a powder that is often mixed with orange juice.

Dyazide and Maxzide are commonly used (both are a combination of Triamterene and HCTZ). Care must be taken to not allow the patient to become hyperkalemic. A P2Y12 receptor antagonist in the class of Thienopyridines (see Clopidigrel). The drug is less frequently used due to its greater propensity to cause adverse events (blood dyscrasias, especially neutropenia, and GI issues). An HMG CoA reductase inhibitor (“statin”).

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It has no hematologic effects, but commonly causes GI distress. Mexelitine is mainly used as a “last ditch” effort once all other possible therapies have failed. Formally used to terminate ventricular arrythmias.

It is usually used in acute care due to its short half life (9min). The most concerning side effect is hypotension. It is the drug of choice for inhibiting platelets in patients who have not had a MI or stent placed. The lower doses (81mg) are more COX-1 selective, whereas higher doses are required to provided pain relief through inhibition of COX-2. ASA is not recommended for routine use in children due to the risk of Reyes syndrome. Indicated for Ventricular Tachycardia (V-tach) and is available only orally.

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May cross react with patients who have sulfa allergies. It lowers triglycerides and increases HDLc significantly with only minor LDLc lowering. A major drug interaction can result when Gemfibrozil is used in combination with statins. Gemfibrozil increases the active form of the statin in the body, leading to a higher incidence of rhabdomyolosis.