Author: John Carter

Insomnia and Alcohol Withdrawal: How to Deal With Sleeping Problems

Can’t Sleep without Alcohol

For example, every night when you enter REM sleep (rapid eye movement) your brain stores the memories acquired during your day. After drinking alcohol you spend less time in REM, which explains why you sometimes can’t remember what you did the night before. The symptoms of insomnia from alcohol withdrawal also tends to worsen other symptoms, such as mood swings and depression.

You wake up more often in the night, you rarely reach deep sleep, and you don’t sleep for as long as you should. Engaging in regular exercise can have a positive impact on your sleep. Physical activity helps to reduce stress and tire your body, making it easier to fall asleep at night. Exercising too close to bedtime can actually have a stimulating effect, making it harder to fall asleep.

Can’t Sleep without Alcohol

Fourteen units is equivalent to around six pints of beer or 10 small glasses of wine. If you are drinking to fall asleep most nights, then you could quite easily surpass the maximum amount in a week. While  alcohol might feel like an easy answer to your sleep problems, over time you’ll become dependent on it. You’ll also increase your tolerance, meaning you need to drink more to have the same effect. Make sure you are in a quiet environment so your body and mind can relax.

Bedtime stories for adults: The benefits of sleep stories for grown ups

The good news for individuals who want to quit drinking is that there are a number of alcohol-free methods to help you fall asleep. Overall, it’s crucial to refrain from drinking alcohol right before bed so you can wake up feeling rested and ready to take on the day. Discover effective strategies to overcome drug addiction and reclaim your life. The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper offers comprehensive addiction treatment for drug and alcohol addictions and co-occurring mental health conditions. Any alcohol can disrupt sleep; however, the more alcohol you consume, the more your sleep will be disrupted.

Can’t Sleep without Alcohol

Hypnosis speaks to the conscious ‘thinking’ part of your brain, which in turn speaks with your subconscious mind. It may sound basic, but often the simplest things have the best results. Now that you know what the issues are, and the ways you can solve them, keep at it!

One study recommends abstaining from alcohol six or more hours before sleeping for the best results. If you’ve entered a stage in your life where you can’t sleep without alcohol, it can be challenging to make a change. Alcohol can cause sleepiness and may initially have a sedative effect. This is because it depresses the central nervous system and enhances the effects of the GABA neurotransmitter, which slows brain activity. In this article, we explore the sedative effects of alcohol and ways to avoid this from occurring. We also discuss the possible negative effects of alcohol on the body and sleep.

Both suppress your central nervous system, potentially increasing the risk of a dangerous overdose. Additionally, alcohol can slow your body’s ability to process sleeping pills, giving them greater effects than they typically would. Alcohol can cause sleep apnea by causing your throat and tongue muscles to relax more than they should while you sleep. This allows your tongue to fall into the back of your throat while you sleep, obstructing your airway and causing sleep apnea.

Understanding Sleep Hygiene

Use ear plugs to block out sound and remove any devices that might make noise or light up the room. While it might be boring going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, after a while it has a great effect. You need 7–9 hours sleep per night, so bear that in mind when deciding on your bedtime and alarm clock. Eventually the goal is that you’ll be able to get a full 8 hours of quality sleep even on days where you’ve had no alcohol at all.

  1. While alcohol won’t keep you awake, it will keep you from sleeping deeply and make you feel less rested.
  2. Next, you need to begin to break the link between alcohol and sleeping.
  3. As well as drinking to fall asleep, you may also have routines or rituals like drinking when you watch sport or a movie.
  4. And we’ll tell you some healthier alternative ways of getting to sleep at night without alcohol.

Or in any place you feel comfortable and can have uninterrupted time to yourself. If you normally have two glasses of wine with your evening meal, cut back to one. If you drink a large glass, substitute it with a small glass. If you drink strong alcohol like spirits, switch to weaker options like beer.

Lifestyle Adjustments for Better Sleep

Create a relaxing routine instead, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath, to prepare your body for sleep. Alcohol can have a sedative effect, making it easier to fall asleep initially. However, the quality of sleep obtained after consuming alcohol is often compromised. More than 70% of those with alcohol use disorder (AUD) also experience alcohol-induced sleep disorders, such as insomnia, according to scientists in a 2020 review. Regular drinking has also been linked to shorter periods of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a disrupted circadian rhythm, and snoring.

Ways to avoid alcohol causing sleepiness

Researchers believe the link between insomnia and alcohol consumption to be bidirectional, meaning that each contributes to the other. Research from 2018 corroborates this, suggesting that people experience a lower duration and quality of REM after consuming alcohol. All of the reasons and triggers for bad sleep and alcohol that we’ve explained in this blog can be remediated using self-hypnosis with Subconsciously. Try it for free, and begin a new healing chapter of your life. When you undergo hypnosis, or self-hypnosis, your mind falls into a deeply suggestible state. The suggestions you hear while in this deeply relaxed state help reset your mind.

If you live with other people, ask them to remind you or prompt you, when they notice you breaking your positive new habits. If you live alone, write down reminders to yourself, even keep a journal to keep track of your progress. Most people need quiet, cool, dark sleeping environments to fall asleep and stay asleep. Modify the temperature with blankets or ventilating the room.

This can cause or worsen obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), in which the tongue relaxes during sleep and obstructs the airway. The inability to breathe wakes you up for a few seconds so that you can catch a breath, but you won’t realize you’re awake. The result is that you can wake up dozens or even hundreds of times throughout the night and not know it, interrupting your natural sleep cycle. Your routine before bed is how you tell your body and brain it’s time to switch off.

If you’ve reached a point where you can’t sleep without alcohol, it’s important to take the necessary steps now. Take my online course to get sober and stay sober so you live a happy, healthy life. With a 30-minute web class, you’ll learn the techniques to take control of your drinking and transform your lifestyle.

Your body and brain tell you that you need the initial relaxation to wind down, but this is not necessarily true. Many people have found hypnosis is the solution to falling asleep without alcohol. Many have also used it for alcohol withdrawal and quitting addiction to alcohol.