Author: John Carter

Salvia: Everything You Need To Know

can you overdose on salvia

Moreover, even though the drug Salvia divinorum effect is primarily on the brain, Salvia effects can also be seen physically such as changes in the heart rate and gastric irritations. The plant also reportedly enhances people’s meditation practices, regardless of the spiritual tradition being followed. In a preliminary, self-reporting study conducted by MAPS, Salvia was found to clear the mind and eliminate distracting thoughts. The optimal dosage for nearly all participants was one gram of raw leaf chewed. The Salvia genus is a member of the tribe Mentheae and contains many varieties of sage species. As well as Salvia divinorum, other common species are Salvia officinalis, or common sage, and Salvia hispanica which produces edible Chia seeds.

can you overdose on salvia

For that reason, this guide is designed to ensure the safety of those who decide to use the substance. However, the intense shift in reality that comes from salvia is sometimes enough to reframe your life and your existence in a way that can lead to ego death-like experiences. All the research available on this plant has shown it to pose little harm to the body — physically, that is. When you smoke salvia, the effects appear within a few seconds, usually starting with intense, uncontrollable laughter, followed by a complete shift in reality. High-dose salvia can bring you into another world altogether — causing you to lose touch with reality.

Street names for salvia

While many people take regular medications alongside Salvia without problems, it is recommended to start out with a small dose and monitor reactions. Since Salvinorin A inhibits dopamine release, it also has little potential for addiction. The Mazatec Indians of Oaxaca have long used Salvia divinorum for ceremonial purposes. In fact, it is revered as an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, and is traditionally used for healing and divination.

  1. High-dose salvia can bring you into another world altogether — causing you to lose touch with reality.
  2. As if one is “entering” the dream that you saw in level three, level four experiences can become complex and coherent enough to follow story lines and explore hallucinatory landscapes.
  3. Patients using Salvia as a treatment medication must understand that this drug is possible for drug-drug and food-drug interactions.

In Western society, research into Salvia did not start until the 1930’s, where it was described by Jean Basset Johnson as he was researching the Mexican use of psychedelics. Johnson described the leaves of the plant as being used as part of psychedelic rituals. This led to Wasson conducting further research into the plant in the 1950’s, when he confirmed that it contained psychedelic properties. In a collaboration with Albert Hoffman (the inventor of LSD), and Robert G. Weitlaner, a living sample of saliva was brought back to the West for study and classification in the early 60’s.

Maria Sabina, the best known Mazatec curandera or shaman, dedicated her life to the healing work with psilocybin mushrooms and Salvia divinorum. She once famously remarked that when the mushrooms are not available, she resorts to the use of salvia. She noted that salvia doesn’t have as much strength as the mushrooms, but that could also have been due to the fact that she prepared an infusion with the leaves. While a salvia tea produces psychoactive effects, it is not nearly as strong as the quid method, for example. Addiction Resource is an educational platform for sharing and disseminating information about addiction and substance abuse recovery centers. Addiction Resource is not a healthcare provider, nor does it claim to offer sound medical advice to anyone.

If you’re planning to take Salvia, read Tripsafe’s guides on psychedelic use, and apply them to Salvia, too.

The breath must be held for around 10 seconds or longer to reach this dose. Remembering that salvia is destroyed if swallowed, it’s best to hold the tea in the mouth for a few moments to absorb it before you swallow it. Most psychedelics (LSD, DMT, psilocybin, and mescaline) activate the serotonin receptors (5-HT2A and 5-HT2C) to produce their effects. There are over 7000 individual species in the mint family of plants — only one of them, Salvia divinorum — is psychedelic. You use Salvia when you want to open your mind, delve into your thoughts and leave the physical world behind. The plant is a strong psychedelic used by many cultures for vision walks, religious healing rituals, and spiritual enlightenment.

can you overdose on salvia

What points to this is that the Mazatecs do not actually have a native name for the plant, and refer to it as “hojas de María Pastora”, translating into “leaves of Mary the shepherdess”. It is still not entirely clear, how far back the use of salvia among the native tribes goes. Since the plant is endemic only to a small region of Mexico, it could have well been missed by many indians. And those who lived in the area might have lost knowledge about it during the turbulent times of the spanish invasion.

What Should A Tripsitter Do, What Should They Know?

Try making clear to them that they are hallucinating, and that they are physically safe. Tell them who you are, tell them your name, and call them by their name, explaining that they are simply going through a bad trip that won’t last. Sometimes, if the situation calls for it, not speaking can come with positive results as well, depending on the tripping person’s mindset. If all environmental dangers are taken care of, other factors of safety then come into play. Don’t use physical force to move the person or make them do something, and only guide them if they begin to move about, without forcing them with any sudden or hard movements.

Addiction Resource does not favor or support any specific recovery center, nor do we claim to ensure the quality, validity, or effectiveness of any particular treatment center. No one should assume the information provided on Addiction Resource as authoritative and should always defer to the advice and care provided by a medical doctor. Moreover, abusers can experience sudden and unexpected flashbacks that can cause visual and auditory disturbances. Such a phenomenon is known as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD), and it can interfere with the healthy lives of its users.

“Salvia is a legal cannabis alternative”

When these two substances are taken together, the effects of Salvinorin can be increased and may also cause increased weed addiction. In this article, information about Salvia effects, the common and long-term Salvia side effects, Salvia overdose, dangerous Salvinorin interactions, and how to treat Salvinorin abuse will be provided. Some people may find chewing the plant unpleasant due to the bitter taste and amount of plant material required.

Spend at least 2 hours researching Salvia and Salvia safe use before using it.

In an emergency, take any potentially dangerous objects away from the person tripping, slowly, informing them of what you’re doing, and gently loosening their grasp. The rule of thumb for tripsitting is to keep a calm head when the person tripping is not. People tripping out may freak out or express strange patterns of emotions that can be scary and disturbing, and the job of the sitter is to judge the situation and keep him/her safe. Dialing the police or medics is probably not necessary unless there is a true emergency; instead, in a safe situation, keep the person physically safe and let the trip fade out.

Some people report ego death experiences on salvia, but it’s not very common compared to classical psychedelics. Salvia doesn’t inhibit the default mode network (DMN), which is considered a core component of achieving ego death through psychedelics. There has never been a documented overdose Salvia, and it does not have strong addictive properties whatsoever.

Other times it can make you feel as though you’re watching yourself from another location, such as your workplace, a mall, a parking lot, or somewhere else. Instead, salvinorin A works almost exclusively on the kappa-opioid receptors [1]. These receptors are different from the opioid receptors targeted by painkillers like morphine or fentanyl.