Author: John Carter


John Carter, an experienced social worker with ten years of experience, earned his psychology degree from Boston University. Right after completing his studies, John dedicated himself to assisting people struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. At present, he writes enlightening articles focused on fighting substance abuse, using his knowledge to provide advice and support via this blog.

March 19, 2024

John Carter

Alcoholism And COPD Does Alcohol Affect COPD?

The applicability of the frog palate as a model of human airways is uncertain and the extremely high concentrations of alcohol used in these experiments are not relevant to human alcohol consumption. Another study in cultured human bronchial epithelial cells found that alcohol caused a concentration- and time-dependent increase in the expression of the tracheo-bronchial […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 18, 2024

John Carter

Chronic Relapsing Disease: Finding Treatment For Chronic Relapse

Although most teens will grow out of this experimentation period, others who are genetically prone to addiction can fall into the deadly cycle and develop a substance use disorder. To better understand chronic relapsing disease, family members of people that suffer from the disorder should attend family therapy. Thus, the best way to manage chronic relapsing […]


March 18, 2024

John Carter

Alcohol-induced blackouts: A review of recent clinical research with practical implications and recommendations for future studies PMC

Most reports suggest middle-age males with alcoholism are more likely to black out. Considerable evidence suggests that chronic alcohol use damages the frontal lobes and leads to impaired performance of tasks that rely on frontal lobe functioning (Kril and Halliday 1999; Moselhy et al. 2001). In a typical LTP experiment, two electrodes (A and B) […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 18, 2024

John Carter

Effect of Ketamine on Cardiovascular Function During Procedural Sedation of Adults

Avoidance is recommended for patients with known coronary artery disease, older adults with risk factors for coronary artery disease, or those who are already hypertensive or tachycardic [1]. Ketamine is a useful medication in procedural sedation; however, careful attention should be made in patient selection when ketamine is the desired agent. Consideration might be made in […]

Drug Addiction

March 18, 2024

John Carter

Christian Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center

The purpose of Christian drug treatment programs is to help patients fight addiction, reduce the high addiction statistics in the country, and achieve sobriety with the help of Christian-based philosophies. There’s a growing body of evidence demonstrating the power of a faith-based approach for preventing and treating substance abuse. When substance abuse wreaks havoc on […]


March 18, 2024

John Carter

Alcoholic Seizure: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Thereby, we attempted to increase subjects’ receptivity to the questions and avoid patients answering the questions in a more socially acceptable way. In several test-interviews, patients were intimidated when being asked about nicotine, alcohol, and illicit drug intake in front of their companions. Therefore, all interviews were held in a separate study room where only […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 18, 2024

John Carter

Can Alcohol Withdrawal Cause Abdominal Pain?

When you drink alcohol on a regular basis, your body becomes accustomed to having alcohol present. Alcohol is technically considered a depressant, so it dampens activity in your brain and nervous system. Over time, your body learns to counteract this reduction by increasing your nervous system’s baseline level of activity. To better understand the mechanisms […]


March 18, 2024

John Carter

Drug-induced movement disorders PMC

Knowledge of the different kinds of tremor in psychiatry, and the drugs that may be responsible. If you begin to experience any side effects while taking an antipsychotic, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. In some cases, they can be permanent, but treatment often leads to improvement. In some cases, extrapyramidal symptoms may […]

Drug Addiction

March 18, 2024

John Carter

Drug Test: What It Is, Purpose, Procedure & Types

Additionally, your test results will take longer when you consider the added shipping and travel time. If you visit a pharmacy aisle or shop online for an at-home drug test, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the options that are available. Here are some key features to look for to ensure you get […]

Drug Addiction

March 18, 2024

John Carter

Alcoholic Parents: How Children Are Affected

According to a study by the National Association of Children of Alcoholics (NACOA), there are over 11 million children in the U.S. under the age of 18 living in families with at least one alcoholic parent. The statistics provided by multiple sources further break this down to about 76 million adults in the country who […]

Alcohol Abuse